A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week , and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months , weeks, and days. fortunate: favored by or involving good luck or fortune; lucky, – she’d been fortunate to escape more serious injury, frank: open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters, fateful:controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined, festive: cheerful and jovially celebratory; of or relating to a festival, fruitful: producing good or helpful results; productive, fancy: elaborate in structure or decoration, fecund: producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile, flowery: full of, resembling, or smelling of flowers, folksy: having the characteristics of traditional culture and customs, especially in a contrived or artificial way, – the shop’s folksy, small-town image, futuristic: having or involving very modern technology or design, – a swimming pool and futuristic dome. It was an experience I would not like to go through again. Words that Start with F can help you score big On the other hand, the Negative Adjectives lists are composed of adjectives which depict the bad or undesirable qualities of a person, event or place. Here is a list of Descriptive Words that begin with Letter F. Total letter F words: 256 words. YourDictionary’s Word Finder a risky undertaking, the ending of which is uncertain. You can also expect it to begin around 3 percent of all the words in a standard dictionary, including the 40 fantastic F-words listed here… 1. Moreover, the Heroic Adjectives list contains adjectives which describe the traits of a hero/ heroine as well as his/her actions. SCRABBLE® and WORDS WITH FRIENDS® are the property of their respective trademark owners. The whole ridiculous escapade was his idea. © 1996-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where advantage over your opponent. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. – I’m a bit forgetful these days. His wartime exploits were made into a TV series. – The administration is quite forthright in this matter. More than 200 nice words that start with F letter. Click "Sign up with Google" to accept YourDictionary's. Positive Words Research Positive Words Are Key To Emotional Intelligence and Positive Thinking. Each time I ventured to speak, I was ignored. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking. All rights reserved. playing Words With Friends® and Scrabble®. But before we dive into many more words that begin with this ferocious letter, let’s take a look back at the history of this letter. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. FACETIAE . foolhardy: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences, – foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker, – a foolproof identification system, friable: easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder, – they spent a furtive day together, forgiving: inclined or able to forgive and show mercy, forthright: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion. For the Sporty Adjectives category, the words listed are those which best describe a person who plays sports and engages in physical activities. Think Positive! forlorn: pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely, fractious: irritable and quarrelsome; difficult to control; unruly, – they fight and squabble like fractious children, fretful: feeling or expressing distress or irritation, frightening: making someone afraid or anxious; terrifying, frivolous: not having any serious purpose or value, fruitless: failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless, futile: incapable of producing any useful result; pointless, – a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage, frosty: very cold with frost forming on surfaces, frozen: treated, affected, or crusted over by freezing; subject to long and severe cold, fusty: full of dust and unpleasant smells, fearless: oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing, ferocious: marked by extreme and violent energy, forceful: strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful, formidable: inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable, fast: moving or capable of moving at high speed, flexible: bending and snapping back readily without breaking; ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstance, frenetic: fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way, faithful: marked by fidelity to an original, fervent: having or displaying a passionate intensity, flamboyant: (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness, flashy: ostentatiously attractive or impressive; (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display, fond: having a strong preference or liking for, far: located at a great distance in time or space or degree, – he hadn’t remembered how fat she was, few: a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a’; a small but indefinite number, fey: suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness, – his mother was a strange, fey woman, fit: physically and mentally sound or healthy, – keeps fit with diet and exercise, fly: (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked, fain: pleased or willing under the circumstances; obliged, – the traveler was fainto proceed, fair: very pleasing to the eye; in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate, fake: fraudulent; having a misleading appearance, fibrocartilaginous: of or relating to fibrocartilage, fundamentalistic: of or relating to or characteristic of Protestant fundamentalism or its adherents, featherbrained: lacking seriousness; given to frivolity, fundamentalist: of or relating to or characteristic of Protestant fundamentalism or its adherents, ferromagnetic: relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism, fibrocalcific: involving or resulting from calcification of fibrous tissue, flabbergasted: as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise. The group has adventured as far as the Alps. What’s the best thing about the letter “F”? Lastly, the Romantic Adjectives category is composed of adjectives which are often used to describe a romantic partner and convey love. for Scrabble and Words With Friends. I need to provide for all possible contingencies. For the Sporty Adjectives category, the words listed are those which best describe a person who plays sports and engages in physical activities. His supporters have reacted to the news with elation. A vocabulary word list about pirates — Argh, mateys! School visits linking to the primary framework for literacy, unit 4, adventure and mystery. Read our series of blogs to find out more. © Adjectives Starting. All rights reserved. words with a specific letter, or combination of letters, could For one, it’s the first letter of many great words like fun, fabulous, fantastic, and faithful. These trademark owners are not affiliated with, and do not endorse and/or sponsor, LoveToKnow®, its products or its websites, including yourdictionary.com. otherwise noted. I didn't dare to tell my uncle what had happened. Pirate living history visits for education. Her lack of enthusiasm filled me with disappointment. Find words that start with F grouped by word length and points for Scrabble, Words With Friends, Word Chums, and more games! be what you need to decide your next move and gain the All Rights Reserved. An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. I set off for a new adventure in the US on the first day of the year.
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