From the center of the leaves the colour gets metallic silver. The genus name comes from combining the Greek words 'a' meaning "without" and 'stele' meaning a "trunk" or "pillar" in reference to these plants not forming a stem or trunk. Silver Shadow is a very exclusive, silver Astelia. Great specimen for that great pot or in the lightly shaded garden. It differs from its other parent, Astelia nervosa, in having larger stature and broader longer leaves and a silver overlay on both upper and lower surfaces while Astelia nervosa typically only has this on the upper surface. It differs from Astelia chathamica in having smaller leaves that have a silver overlay on both upper and lower surfaces while Astelia chathamica is green above and silvery-white below. Smaller specimens are ideal container candidates, suitable for transplanting to the garden when mature, or treated as summer annuals and removed at … If you never get around to repotting them, they really don't seem to mind and 2. Astelia 'Silver Shadow' PP 22,195 (Silver Astelia) - An evergreen perennial that forms a clump to 3 feet tall by about 4 feet wide with bold, metallic silvery-green recurved leaves. Try ‘Silver Shadow’ Astelia where dry shade is a challenge, or incorporate it into a waterwise design with other drought-tolerant plants. Bold clumps to 3 of arching pointed metallic silver green leaves evergreen in warmer climates root hardy to about 5 degrees in colder zones. Although this plant can take periods without water and is marketed as a drought tolerant plant in New Zealand, it likely will look better if given occasional to regular irrigation in our dry summers in California. Plant in part sun to light shade in a well-drained soil. Astelia Silver Shadow . A real eyecatcher for all gardens. Astelia chathamica is a large plant that comes from the Chatham Islands, located over 400 nautical miles east of the North and South Island of New Zealand and Astelia nervosa, the Mountain Astelia, is an evergreen perennial that comes from the tussock grasslands of the central North Island of New Zealand. Astelia 'Silver Shadow' PP 22,195 (Silver Astelia) - An evergreen perennial that forms a clump to 3 feet tall by about 4 feet wide with bold, metallic silvery-green recurved leaves. Astelia 'Silver Shadow' (PBR) RHS Plants for Pollinators plants This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. A compact grower which makes it suitable for the modern garden. Astelia have male and female flowers on separate plants (Dioecious) and neither are usually showy and usually are buried down in the foliage - at the time of patent filing, no flower production had been observed so we do not know whether this selection is a male or female. This hybrid cultivar was selected by Tim and Hamish Prebble in December 2004 from seedlings resulting in the cross they made between the Astelia chathamica (Silver Spear) as the seed parent and Astelia nervosa (Mountain Astelia) as the pollen parent in November 2003. There are two things that stand out about Astelias : 1. Needs well drained soil regular water and frequent admiration. Silver Shadow is perfect for the balcony or terrace. Plant in part sun to light shade in a well-drained soil. Some online sources list the plant with insignificant white flowers followed by red berries which implies that this cultivar is female but we have not verified this. Hardy to about 20-25 degrees F. With its parentage this plant may well be tolerant of coastal conditions. Astelia 'Silver Shadow' is protected in Europe by European Plant Breeders Rights number EU 20102227 and in the United States by US Plant Patent 22,195 issued on October 11, 2011. They have long been considered part of the Liliaceae family but most recent treatment puts them in the Asteliaceae family in the Asparagales order with the relatively unknown genera Collospermum, Milligania and Neoastelia. Silver Shadow likes full sun and can stand dry and windy weather conditions. In the wetter parts of New Zealand (from where they come) they grow as epiphytes in trees. Plants that behave like that (there aren't many) seem to derive food and moisture from the atmosphere.
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