auckland council gis

You can download current aerial catalogue dataset to identify the area you're after. Publication Date:... Full Abstract/Purpose: This layer contains all parks and open space sites that are owned and/or maintained by Auckland Council’s Community Facilities Department. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. Find out how to request a large dataset that is not available in Auckland Council Open Data. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. read more. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Provides local government related services within Auckland City, including local roads, footpaths, water supplies, sewerage system, landfills, parks, sportsfields, recreation... Ecosystem Potential & Current Extents. Lineage/History: Created July to November 2016 by the Unitary Plan Mapping & Analysis Project from new decisions and... Full Abstract/Purpose: Visitors to our buildings should check in using the NZ COVID Tracer app or register manually. Updated weekly. Update Cycle: Static Tsunami Evacuation Zones & Coastal Inundation. Updated biweekly. Lineage/History: Created July to November 2016 by the Unitary Plan Mapping & Analysis Project from new decisions and... Unitary Plan (Operative in part). Water restrictions are in effect across the Auckland region. Updated biweekly. Abstract: Subdivision extents are determined by the Local Government Commission, Department of Internal Affairs, for administrative purposes of the... Lineage/History: Created for the Auckland Transition Authority prior to the 2010 Auckland Council amalgamation. Skip to main content. 5. Updated biweekly. Lineage - Through the OnePlus project, all seven legacy systems were migrated to the new... Unitary Plan (Operative in part). COVID-19 Alert Level 1 Most of our services have resumed. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Find out how to request a large dataset that is not available in Auckland Council Open Data. Creation Date: {2010} ICT Infrastructure Service Lead Integration (Cloud) Engineer Central Auckland, NZ, 1010 27-Oct-2020 Sign in to your account on ArcGIS Online Privacy Purpose - Stormwater Asset Management Auckland Council does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the Viewer or the Data and any person relying on the Data does so at their own risk. Discover, analyze and download data from ArcGIS Hub. Some restrictions remain. Lineage/History: Created Pre Auckland Council establishment by the Auckland Regional Council Update Cycle: Static Creation Date: Pre 1/10/2010 Publication Date: Pre 1/10/2010... HTML; Esri REST; GeoJSON; CSV; KML; ZIP; Park Extent Auckland Council. Find at Auckland Council. Abstract: Ward extents are determined by the Local Government Commission, Department of Internal Affairs, for administrative purposes of the Auckland... Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence. Our open data portal does not have our larger datasets, such as: You can request these by emailing Not a member of this organization? Auckland Council strongly recommends that any person intending to rely on the Data should independently verify its accuracy and obtain other more detailed information as appropriate. To ask for help or report a problem with our services or facilities, contact us. The Catchments and Hydrology dataset contains the following features: Overland Flow Paths, Flood Prone Areas, Flood Sensitive Areas, Flood Plains and Stormwater... Stormwater Asset Network. This layer contains all parks and open space sites that are owned and/or maintained by Auckland Council’s Community Facilities Department. Plans, policies, bylaws, reports and projects, Consents, building and renovation projects, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, How to request datasets not in Auckland Council Open Data.

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