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Inter sign Serbia defender Kolarov from AS Roma, Serbia-Kosovo meeting is a reminder that US leadership in the Balkans is vital, Bechtel ENKA to Build Serbia's First 5G-Ready Digital Motorway and Key Flood Defense System, EU warns Serbia, Kosovo over Israel embassy move, Serbia won’t move embassy if Israel recognizes Kosovo, Serbia needs to quickly slash public wages and pensions 15 percent and fix unprofitable state-owned companies to narrow its budget gap and keep the Balkan country solvent, the nation’s Fiscal Council said, Argentina thrash Serbia and Montenegro in Group C, USA lifts remaining sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro, Montenegro prepares to declare independence, Inter-Balkan Summit to take place in Thessalonika, Greece, Finland and Serbia draw 0-0 in Euro 2008 qualification match, FIFA World Cup 2018 day four: Mexico beats Germany; Serbia leads Group E, Brazil shares the spoils with Swiss, Serbia and Montenegro military announces mandatory service shortening, Serbian ambassador recalled from U.S. after recognition of Kosovo, Three of Serbia's neighbours recognize Kosovo, Serbian Football Association complain about Swiss footballers Xhaka, Shaqiri eagle salute celebration, UNICEF Gender-based Violence Programme: Serbia – Refugee and Migrant Response (November 2019), Kosovo President Says 'Future Is Not Built By Denying Crimes,' Urges Serbia To Accept Blame, Kosovo president calls on Serbia to accept 1999 war genocide, Russia, Serbia pledge expanded energy, military ties, Russia Throws Wrench Into Efforts to Renew Serbia-Kosovo Talks, Couple goals!
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