All Cbus performance and return figures disclosed in this investment update are based on the crediting rate, which is the return minus investment fees, the taxes, and until 31 January 2020, the percentage-based administration fee. Downloading files: Common files are downloaded from a local server and public webserver. Workers’ remittances recorded a growth in June, for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. We strive to make our tests as meaningful as we can, and so continually improve our test methodologies. Figures are subject to rounding. This was followed closely by shares in the Utilities sector which were down by a similar -3.96%. 1 PC Mark® is a registered trademark of Futuremark Corporation / UL. All Rights Reserved, Designed and Developed by IT Department, CBSL, The Central Bank of Sri Lanka Further Reduces the Statutory Reserve Ratio, The Central Bank of Sri Lanka Further Reduces Policy Rates to Support Economic Activity, Development Finance and Access to Finance, Licensing, Registration, Appointment and Authorisation Procedures. We do not give any guarantee of the correctness, completeness, or suitability for a specific purpose of any of the information/content provided at any given time. They are returns for each market as measured by standard market indices. All rights reserved. In the 10-year period to June 2020, Growth investment options as a category delivered a median return of 7.7% per year. SuperRatings data is for February 2020 and was reported on 19 March 2020. The performance tests were done on a clean Windows 10 1909 64-Bit system (English) and then with the installed business security client software. The company reported net income growth of 5,226.9% on revenue growth of 86.4% in Q2 2020, which ended June 30, 2020. Excludes fees and costs that are deducted directly from members’ accounts. Read the, The Growth (Cbus MySuper) option returned, COVID-19 started to impact share markets as Australian and Global shares dropped, The Reserve Bank of Australia left the cash rate unchanged at. For the AV-C score, we took the rounded mean values of first and subsequent runs for File Copying, whilst for Launching Applications we considered only the subsequent runs. More information on these market indices can be found in the Glossary. Global share markets experienced significant declines in February as governments acted to slow the spread of COVID-19 by implementing wide-reaching trade and travel restrictions. Development Policy and Performance Portal; Bank of Uganda; Publications. The trade deficit declined in June 2020 (year-on-year), with a more than expected rebound in merchandise exports and notable reduction in merchandise imports on account of restrictions on non essential imports.
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