my postal code

Everything is fast and easy! Entered addresses provide postal codes and entered postal codes yield multiple choices of address. For example, you may learn what country you are, count a distance on the map, find latitude and longitude and much more. The Universal Postal Union website lists postal codes for its 191 member countries. In case this country is the USA, you may use the following websites to identify your zip code. Content owned and updated by Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Government of India. note: there may be more than one postal code / zip code per city depending on how large your city is. Also you can click on the location you desire to find a zip code/postal address for your mails destination. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. Whatever zip code you may require, the following websites will help you learn any postal code in the world. A POSTAL CODE IS THE SAME AS A ZIP CODE. You can always update your selection by clicking Cookie Preferences at the bottom of the page. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. India Post Codes. is a free database of 5.8 million zip codes for 127 countries. Address Will be more precise by using MYPostalCode! Go to, enter your street address, town or city and click Find postcode. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. China Telephone area code and zip code (postal code) for china cities. lol i need help. If you are sending something through international mail, you'll need both codes to constitute a complete address and ensure that your package reaches its intended recipient. Note that UK zip codes have a special format with outward (postcode area) and inward (postal district) parts, e.g. Click on any of the postal codes and you'll see a satellite view of the area with corresponding geographic labels. provides both the country code for international telephone calling and the ISO country code for international mail. Canada Post has a similar function on its site. The ISO's online browsing platform provides the code for every country with an assigned code. My zip code; Zip code map; US zip codes; Canada zip codes; UK postcodes; All postcodes; India. SEE ALSO: 10 Video & Voice Call Apps to Hang out with Friends, SEE ALSO: 14 Sites to Sell Things Online Profitably. Wich presidential candidate is taking covid more seriously? Will all these 2nd lockdown threats from democrat governors, and even Joe Biden himself influence the election? Place Code Country Admin1 Admin2 Admin3; 1: Beverly Hills: 90210: United States: California: Los Angeles 34.09/-118.406: 2: Los Angeles: 90002: United States: California Click on the country name to see a map of the country, usually sectioned off into states or provinces. If yes, your zip code and postal address will be detected automatically. For a US address, look up a postal code, called a ZIP code, on the US Postal Service website. Still have questions? Why are COVID-19 cases soaring In the Midwest? The process isn’t that fast as with the app above, still you may be sure in the reliable information. Is it true that if Biden wins God will disown us? In the 2011 census it had a population of 51,770,560. #####Learn Together, Moving Forward Together. NOTE: THERE MAY BE MORE THAN ONE POSTAL CODE / ZIP CODE PER CITY DEPENDING ON HOW LARGE YOUR CITY IS. Enter the address in the boxes provided and the system will return the postal code assigned to that address. Unfortunately, the address may not always be correct, so if you doubt, enter your exact address into the search bar to get the accurate zip code. Please allow this site to determine your location. Created and Managed by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. The postal service site also provides a reverse look-up function: If you know the ZIP code but don't know where it's assigned, enter the code and the system will return the city where it is active. This website belongs to Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, GoI. Whatever zip code you may require, the following websites will help you learn any postal code in the world. If you want to learn a poscode of an area in the United Kingdom, the following websites will be helpful to you. Reviewed by: Jayne Thompson, LL.B., LL.M. Universal Postal Union: List of Sites by Country, International Standards Organization: Country Codes - ISO 3166. To retrieve the postcode of your desired location (Urban Location, Rural Location or Postal Facility), select designated state from the State list and drill down to appropraite Town, Area, Street etc. The links lead to the related Wiki articles with zip code information for a certain location. Still it’s one of the rare sites with zip codes for all possible locations and other useful info about various areas. Having the correct code is essential to your mails delivery. The United States Postal Service (USPS) used to publish a printed zip code list, but now posts the list on its website. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio,,,

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