You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, @dan-mulligan-4: i am happy you liked it bro :). Need help? Users who like Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979), Users who reposted Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979), Playlists containing Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979), More tracks like Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979). Show more Show less. "They used 'Knee Deep' and they paid, but I get paid in a different way because I know how to appreciate it, the fact that they used the music. Up next Funkadelic - (Not Just) Knee Deep - … & subscribe to my channel. Slayd5000 presents... Funkadelic - (Not Just) Knee Deep **By Special Request** Re-upped FULL VERSION!!! Please download one of our supported browsers. seriously one of the best jams ever thanks for uploading. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. As the group name implies, this song is FUNKADELIC!!! N-joi! "I get back more than they do," George Clinton explained that year in Dance Music Report. (Not Just) Knee Deep Lyrics: Whooooo-hoooo-oooooo-ooooooo-ooo-ohh-ohh-ohhhhhhhhh, huh! Users who like Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979) Users who reposted Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979) Playlists containing Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979) More tracks like Funkadelic - Not Just Knee Deep (1979) License: all-rights-reserved Extended album version before the edit -uploaded in HD at Loading... Advertisement Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. 2016-05-07T13:50:29Z. PARLIAMENT-FUNKADELIC. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? If they're hot with the kids and the kids like them then they'll like me." Just the Best!!!!! The De La Soul sample helped bring P-Funk to a new audience.
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