imf debt sustainability analysis course

This course is particularly useful for officials from ministries of finance, debt agencies, central banks, and other government agencies responsible for providing advice or implementing macroeconomic and debt policies. It will help low-income countries achieve their development goals while minimizing the risk of debt distress. IMF, Economist in the Monetary and Macroprudential Policies Division How can countries effectively manage their sovereign debt? It will help low-income countries achieve their development goals while minimizing the risk of debt distress… Evaluate safe debt levels in a world full of uncertainties. What are the tools to assess debt sustainability? There is NO Fee required for these courses. The IMF Institute launched its Learning Channel on YouTube! IMF is an Organization in 189 Countries and every year more than 60,000 applicants do IMF Free Online Courses. IMF offers online training to government officials and public. 9567 Crore; Drops 15% YoY, How To Prevent Oily Eyelids From Ruining Your Make-up. IMF’s online learning program is getting support from Japan Government. November 1, 2020, English, November 9-13, 2020, New Delhi, India, Apply online Some exercises require using Excel. I am Australian. IMF, Senior Economist, Monetary & Capital Markets Department With this partnership, and with generous financial support from the Government of Japan, the Fund is able to expand the reach of its training program to member country officials and to offer access to its training courses to a wider public audience through massive open online courses (MOOCs). All rights reserved. This six-module course, offered on a modular basis, lays out the underpinnings of debt sustainability analysis; introduces a probabilistic approach to assessing debt sustainability; examines how to balance the needs for development with debt sustainability concerns focusing on public investment-growth nexus; teaches the new debt sustainability frameworks for the economies that can access the financial markets (MAC DSA) as well as for the countries that benefit from long-term concessional financing (LIC DSF) using real country data; and presents the updated and refined Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) to help ensure sustainable debt. We are grateful to Japan, the longest-standing partner for IMF capacity development. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, and promote high employment and sustainable economic growth. This online course, presented jointly by the Institute for Capacity Development and the Fiscal Affairs, Research, Monetary and Capital Markets, and Strategy, Policy, and Review Departments, in collaboration with the World Bank, provides a comprehensive overview of the IMF and World Bank recent research and hands-on analytical tools for debt sustainability analysis (DSA) and debt management. About this Course What causes a country’s debt to become unsustainable? Cover recently updated DSA frameworks-both for advanced and emerging markets and for low-income countries-with an emphasis on country data. Click, IMF Members' Quotas and Voting Power, and Board of Governors, IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, IMF Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT), IMF Regional Office in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves, Virtual : Workshop on the Joint IMF World Bank Sustainability Framework for Low Income Countries, Virtual - Macroeconomic Diagnostics A pop up will open with all listed sites, select the option “ALLOW“, for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification. For more information on courses and training, please send your requests to IMF training program consists of wide range of courses. You can avail training materials without any Fee but if you need Certificate you have to pay 25 USD. Honor 10x Lite Officially Unveiled: What Are The Highlights? Senior Economist, African Division, Institute for Capacity Development, Economist at the Strategy, Policy and Review Department, Economist in the Monetary and Capital Market Department, Deputy Chief, Technical Assistance Division, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, Macroeconomic variables that impact a country's debt, How to develop a debt management strategy, About debt sustainability under uncertainty, Pursue a Verified Certificate to highlight the knowledge and skills you gain. What Things Should Students Know Before Writing Their First Resume? The IMF online learning program is helping increase the accessibility of IMF expertise to broader audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. October 30, 2020, English (Arabic), December 7-17, 2020, Kuwait City, Kuwait, English, December 7-11, 2020, Singapore, Singapore, English, November 30, 2020 - December 10, 2020, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Apply online Present a medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS) framework. EdX offers honor code certificates of achievement, verified certificates of achievement, and XSeries certificates of achievement. How can countries manage their debt portfolio? Home » Blog » Free Online Course on Debt Sustainability Analysis. The IMF online learning program receives financial support from the Government of Japan. Debt Sustainability Analysis; IMF Course Certificate Cost. Copyright 2007-2019, 2020 Online College programs PhD Masters Graduate Financial Aid Positions Free, Free Online Course on Debt Sustainability Analysis, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin Can Be Useful for Students to Find a Job, Best Tips for Students to Stop Worrying and Boost Their Positivity. This online course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of debt sustainability analysis (DSA) and a medium-term debt management strategy framework adopted by the IMF and the World Bank. How do we assess debt sustainability of public and external debt? All courses are free. Some knowledge of economics is helpful. Senior Economist, African Division, Institute for Capacity Development Some knowledge of macroeconomics is desirable. The course will: (i) introduce the main principles of debt sustainability; (ii) cover recently updated DSA frameworks — both for advanced and emerging markets and for low-income countries — with an emphasis on country data; (iii) present a medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS) framework; and (iv) illustrate debt sustainability analysis under uncertainty. I would like to receive email from IMFx and learn about other offerings related to Debt Sustainability Analysis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, IMF online courses have been made available to government officials and members of the general public with extended registration and completion timelines. IMF, Deputy Division Chief, Fiscal Affairs Department How can countries effectively manage their sovereign debt? This course examines the conceptual and practical elements of compiling and disseminating fiscal statistics according to international standards, and using them for fiscal analysis. Once the changes is done, click on the “Save Changes” option to save the changes. For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

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