jira align rest api

Visit the Jira Align Community Collection today. Please open a support request. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. Versions and URI. Skip the first 521 epics and return all after, Return all epics but only display their title and ID. Not all endpoints use the same key/value pairing, so please refer to the schema definitions. This documentation is for version 2 of the Jira Align REST API, which is the latest version. of the Jira Align REST API, which is the latest version. Visit the Jira Align Community Collection today. Jira Aligns's REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. Bearer authentication using API tokens (tokens can be generated on the User Profile page of Jira Align) is supported. Think of it as a website address you would enter in a browser--if you left spaces and apostrophes in the address, the browser would not be able to interpret the address and, depending on the browser, tell you the page was not found or send you to a Google search result. /rest/api/2/workflow Is there a way to get the workflow process using the Jira REST APIs provide access to resources (that is, data entities) via URI paths. In the use cases to follow, we will show three examples: For clarity, the examples will only show the endpoint and filter/command rather than the entire URL. Our mission at Jira Align is to Simplify Software at Scale by bringing your business and your software development organization together in one intuitive platform.2020 © All Rights Reserved. This documentation is for version 2 of the Jira Align REST API, which is the latest version. URIs for Jira REST API resource have the following structure:Currently there are two API names available, which will be discussed later on this page: 1. auth: – for authentication-related operations. Version 1 of Jira Align REST API is still supported, but no additional resources will be added; all development is on version 2 of the API. If we have a city with the name Houston, name is our key, as above, and the value of that key would be Houston. Getting started with the REST API 2.0; 10X: API 2.0 GET Usage and Filters; 10X: Jira Integration Guide. Note that the createmeta resource has been reported to cause issues especially on larger instances. With Jira Align, keep your teams working in Jira Software while extending coordination and planning to the program, portfolio and enterprise. For these examples, we will use epics, but the same theory can be applied to any endpoint of the API. or example, where we show something like: curl -X GET 'https://.agilecraft.com/rest/align/api/2/Epics?top=10' -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Bearer ', /Epics?$filter=title%20eq%20%27API%20Epic%27, /Epics?$filter=title%20ne%20%27API%20Epic%27, /Epics?oDataFilter=contains(,''), /Epics?oDataFilter=contains(title,%27API%27), /Epics?oDataFilter=startswith(,''), /Epics?oDataFilter=startswith(title,'AP'), Epics?oDataFilter=startswith(title,%27AP%27), /Epics?$filter=createDate ge 2020-05-11T06:48:00Z, /Epics?$filter=createDate%20ge%202020-05-11T06:48:00Z, /Epics?$filter=createDate%20ge%202020-05-11T00:00:00Z, /Epics?$filter= gt '' & $orderby= desc, /Epics?$filter=id gt 2193 &$orderby=id desc, /Epics?$filter=id%20gt%202193&$orderby=id%20desc, /Epics?oDataFilter=contains(,'') &$top= &$select=,,, /Epics?oDataFilter=contains(title,'API')&$top=10&$select=title,description,owner, /Epics?oDataFilter=contains(title,%27API%27)&$top=10&$select=title,description,owner, /Citites?$filter=name eq '' or name eq '', /Cities?$filter=name eq 'Houston' or name eq 'London', /Cities?$filter=name%20eq%20%27Houston%27%20or%20name%20eq%20%27London%27, /Cities?odatafilter=contains(,'value_1>') and ne '' &$select=, /Cities?odatafilter=contains(name,'ton') and name ne 'Houston' &$select=name, /Cities?odatafilter=contains(name,%27ton%27)%20and%20name%20ne%20%27Houston%27&$select=name, 5 Jira Align Capabilities That Provide Local Autonomy, A plain text and easy-to-read example of the syntax, A plain text example with the key and value entered, A cURL ready example complete with encoding. Using the API, you can perform most actions available through the user interface, as well as simplify user management, mass update work objects, and d. evelop integrations between Jira Align and other applications. In this article, we will demonstrate the basic functionality of API 2.0. 5 Jira Align Capabilities That Provide Local Autonomy, Custom fields on objects are not yet supported for create and update methods. Default order by is on ID, so the first 10 epics would mean IDs 1 - 10. - the user-defined value we are searching for. This page provides an overview of the API and documents the REST resources available in Jira Align. What this means for us is a request to get epics where the title is 'API' would look like this: A full list of characters and what they need to be encoded to can be found here, but these are the most commonly used: If you are using cURL and the command returns nothing or complains of a malformed JSON string (or any strange-looking errors) even though the command and API token looks correct, check your apostrophes (') and quotation marks (“).

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