The basic ready stance for kumite is Moto-dachi. This is the stance on one leg, where the other leg is raised and bent so that its foot touches the knee of the base leg. in the kata. Kokutsu-dachi is a great defensive stance because of the amount of energy stored in the rear leg, ready for a counter-attack. in the kata. Han-Kokutsu-dachi (半後屈立, half kokutsu), also known as Sho Kokutsu-dachi (小後屈立, short kokutsu) Side Seisan Like the forward-facing Seisan stance, the feet are aligned the same but pointed off to the side at a 25-30 degree angle. The feet are shoulder width apart, toes open at 45 degrees. in the kata. Shortened and raised zenkutsu-dachi, this stance is slightly lower than moto-dachi. in the kata. Legs and buttocks should be tensed upwards, while keeping the weight low and the knees bent inwards. hook kick, Otoshi Mawashi Geri: Circular falling kick, Ushiro Hiza Geri : back spinning knee strike, otshi Hiza Geri : circular falling knee strike, ura kakato geri: upper inside roundhouse heel kick, otoshi kakato geri: circular falling heel kick to head or spine, Hasu geri: lotus kick, or reverse roundhouse kick, This page was last edited on 24 March 2020, at 10:50. in the kata Bassai Sho) mitsurin dachi: jungle stance; renoji dachi: l-stance, or relaxed stance (e.g. Heikō-dachi (平行立, parallel stance) Yoi Dachi is Heiko Dachi with the hands out in a ready position. This stance is used to perform the formal respectful bow, rei (礼). Front stance, sometimes also called forward leaning stance or forward stance, is a basic stance used in various Asian martial arts. Depending on the style, the back foot may be directly behind the front foot, or out to the side of the front foot, so that the legs are crossed. in the kata. In all these stances the knees are bent very slightly. in the kata. in the kata Enpi) sagi ashi dachi: heron stance (e.g. This website is copyright protected under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. All weight rests on the back leg, which is bent at the knee. Aikido | BJJ | Karate | Krav Maga | Muay Thai | Shotokan | Taekwondo | Other Styles, Flexibility | Karate Kata | TKD Forms & Patterns. There is no weight on the front foot, and there is no bent in the ankle joint – front knee, front shin, and the rise of the foot (but not the toes) form a single line, vertical in Shitō-ryū, tilted in Shotokan. The stance is fixed and tensed in the same way as Naihanchin-dachi. Sagi-ashi-dachi (鷺足立 Heron-foot stance) also known as Tsuru-ashi-dachi (鶴足立 Crane-foot stance) heo tsukami: hair grab (e.g. This page provides the English and Japanese names for each stance. Renoji-dachi (レの字立, stand like the character レ) in the kata Bassai Dai), hangetsu dachi: half-moon stance (e.g. kosa uke (also known as joge uke): cross block (e.g. List of Common Karate Stance Names – Links to Shotokan stance videos, etc. chudan soete uke: added hand inside block (e.g. in the kata Bassai Sho), renoji dachi: l-stance, or relaxed stance (e.g. The weight is kept 70% on the rear foot.
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