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The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Der Sternwanderer (2007) | Dieser sieht sich jedoch nicht als Gangster, sondern als Geschäftsmann. During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the "Yahoos," the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator and Morty retire to a café, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Cody und Tiptoes haben inzwischen Kinky, den Freund von Charlotte, tot in dessen Wohnung gefunden. Die Mitbewohner glauben, dass Kinky ermordet wurde und sich die Überdosis Drogen nicht selber verabreicht hat. Der Soundtrack des Films umfasst fünfzehn Titel. Beim Treffen mit dem Duke versucht XXXX, den hohen Preis für die Pillen zu drücken. Gene goes over the beating in great detail and informs the narrator that if Freddy dies, the narrator is left with two options. Exista diferente intre "complex" si "haotic". The film is set in London, and focuses on an unnamed successful cocaine dealer (represented in the credits as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig). Eddie hat einen Gesprächsmitschnitt, in dem zu hören ist, dass Jimmy plant, diesen an die Polizei zu übergeben und ihm die Drogengeschäfte anzuhängen. Filmul mi-a captat repede atentia si datorita sirului de intamplari, nici nu-ti dai seama cand trece timpu'. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back. XXXX soll sie nun wieder finden. Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The Duke – A flashy and careless gangster who steals a large shipment of ecstasy pills. Handlung von Layer Cake Der namenlose Protagonist (Daniel Craig) hat sich als Drogendealer Geld und Respekt verschafft. Clarkie – Narrator's protégé, who is also a member of one of London's leading crime families. The narrator sets about finding a buyer for the ecstasy pills, and he, Mortimer and Clarkie go to Liverpool to meet with Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Regizat de Matthew Vaughn. The man tells the narrator to abandon the drugs trade and leave Britain or else he would find himself in prison for a very long time. Als XXXX sich mit Gene treffen will, schlägt dieser ihn für den Mord an Jimmy zusammen. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the train. Eddie erläutert XXXX, dass dieser großes Potential habe und er irgendwann an seiner Stelle sitzen werde. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. Dieser ist allerdings mit seiner Bande bereits verschwunden. Dragan verlangt die Herausgabe der seinem Chef gestohlenen Ware sowie die Auslieferung des Duke. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called Layer Cake), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. Dacă ţi-a plăcut Layer Cake, s-ar putea să-ţi placă şi titlurile de mai jos: In sfarsit un comentariu bun. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. The narrator has a nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. 6.5/10. Welcome to the layer cake, son.". Eddie will XXXX nicht ausschalten, sondern gegen Jimmy einsetzen. Dar nimic nu este simplu. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. Fiica șefului suprem Eddie Temple( Michael Gambon), dependentă de droguri, a dispărut fără urmă și Price vrea că eroul nostru (numit doar XXXX) să o găsească. His retirement plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. Dragan wird nun aufdringlicher und will sich mit XXXX treffen. Terry – Morty's protégé. Directed by Matthew Vaughn. There, he sneaks into the grounds of Price's house and kills him with a gun he borrowed from Gene. Cody Garret (alias Billy Bogus) – An old childhood friend of Narrator. März 2020 um 11:42 Uhr bearbeitet. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they "confiscate" the pills. interesant, cu schimbari de situatie, finalul cam neasteptat, dar nu este stilul de thriller care sa-mi placa. The Narrator – A courageous 29-year-old drug dealer hoping to pack up his earnings and leave the game to live life as "a gentleman of leisure" when he reaches the age of 30. XXXX trifft sich mit Gazza, um das Geschäft abzuwickeln. Von ihm erfährt er, dass er Jimmy gar nicht um Hilfe gebeten hat, sondern Jimmy Charlotte als Geisel haben wollte. Der gesamte Soundtrack wurde innerhalb von vier Tagen zusammengestellt. After Kilburn Jerry killed himself and Morty was caught disposing of the body, Freddy was about to go away for about 12 years to serve concurrent sentences. Dragan hat das ganze Geschehen beobachtet und zieht mehr oder weniger zufrieden davon. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) | Morty und XXXX besprechen die Situation in einem Café, als Freddy, ein alter Bekannter von Morty, auftaucht. Er war davor bereits Produzent bei. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. XXXX trifft sich mit Tammy in einem Nobelhotel. creată de, listă cu 766 filme, The narrator then realises that they have killed the wrong man and see Klaus run away from the scene. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is—starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) | Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 29. Der Film kam in Deutschland nie in die Kinos, sondern wurde sofort auf DVD veröffentlicht. Sie finden lediglich den Besitzer der Werft vor, der von Dragan mit einem glühenden Bügeleisen zu Tode gefoltert wurde. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. Until one day you're up in the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. Tammy steckt XXXX ihre Handynummer zu; später treffen sich beide in einem Hotelzimmer zu verabredetem Sex, zu dem es jedoch nicht kommt. Nun wird ihnen auch klar, dass Jimmy mit dem Duke Geschäfte machen wollte, weil er durch die Fehlinvestition in Afrika pleite ist. This page was last edited on 19 March 2020, at 22:03. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. Albie Carter – Jimmy Price's connection with the Regional Crime Squad. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. He is an exceptional con-man, with a knack for mimicry and impersonation. He can either testify against Morty or he will go to prison as an accomplice to murder. un film care nu m-a incantat deloc m-am uitat la el doar pentru ca joaca Daniel Craig oricum slab filmul nu vi-l recomand, Ei bine .. fara niciun fel de indoiala .. the next James Bond .. de aici a aparut :), tare tare tare..................l-am vazut mai demult...e tare rau. Doch er hat genug eingenommen, um sich nun endgültig zur Ruhe setzen zu können. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of "don" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Gene zeigt ihnen daraufhin seine Kühltruhe. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. As Clarkie is the future "brains" of the operation, Terry is the future "muscle" of the operation. Der Boss von allen diesen Männern ist Jimmy Price, der seine Geschäfte durch Gene abwickeln lässt, dem er blind vertraut. XXXX willigt ein, an Eddie für einen Preis von drei Millionen Pfund zu verkaufen. La fel și cel de-al doilea favor: un alt traficant greu pe nume The Duke (Jamie Foreman) a pus mâna pe un transport serios de ecstasy. Gene rät ihm zu einer Waffe und gibt ihm eine aus seiner Sammlung. Nobby – Employee of Loveland, Morty's sex shop front. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. Lawrence Francis Gower (alias 'Crazy' Larry Flynn) – A crazed homosexual gangster who was friends with Gene and Morty. Vor fi suficiente câteva zile ca să-și piardă urma. The narrator then contracts Cody to organise a false police raid on the Yahoos' hideout to steal back the pills. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. Freddy could have gotten Morty off the hook but chose not to, leading to Morty doing 5 years in prison unnecessarily. Er kann Morty und Gene aber durch die Tonaufnahme von Jimmys Verrat überzeugen. Trevor's hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Trevor Atkins (aka Kinky) – Charlotte's boyfriend. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Tammy – Sidney's pseudo-girlfriend and the Narrator's love interest. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, to whom he is immediately attracted. Dieser denkt aber nicht daran zu zahlen, sondern will die Pillen als Entschädigung für den Versuch, seine Tochter zu entführen, behalten. Zum anderen bietet „der Duke“ eine Million Ecstasy-Pillen zum Verkauf an, die er mit seiner Gang in Amsterdam von serbischen Schwerverbrechern aus einer in einem Gewächshaus versteckten Produktionsstätte gestohlen hat, und XXXX soll den Ankauf der Drogen einfädeln. Layer Cake (alternative Schreibweise L4YER CAKƐ) ist ein britischer Gangster-Thriller aus dem Jahr 2004. Die Pillen wurden jedoch nicht von der Polizei beschlagnahmt, sondern vielmehr durch Cody und Tiptoes, die sich mit ihren Leuten als Polizeibeamte verkleidet hatten. Layer Cake (2004) | Dieser plant jedoch, Dragan mit Hilfe von Mr. Lucky, Trevors Scharfschützen, am nächsten Tag zur Mittagsstunde in einem öffentlichen Park zu erschießen. Da der Duke nicht einwilligt, kommt es zu keinem Geschäftsabschluss, und XXXX verlässt den Treffpunkt mit wenigen Pillen, die er zwecks Qualitätsprüfung untersuchen lassen will. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Recomand. In Layer Cake spielt Daniel Craig zum ersten Mal in einer Hauptrolle. Also, one of the primary reasons for Morty's incarceration. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. merita vazut , iar Daniel Craig mereu e o placere sa il vezi jucand.

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