While strains of avian influenza have jumped from birds to humans, this strain appears to be for the birds exclusively, so to speak. All schools will move to remote learning from Wednesday. Indeed, Australia has performed slightly more tests per capita than the U.S. Plus, the Aussies have had a much lower positive test rate. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Consider the fact that Australia’s population is about 26 million and the U.S. population about 328 million, which is about 12.6 times the number of people that Australia has. The response to the virus will cause more deaths and result in far more negative health effects than the virus itself. There’ll be exemptions for partners who live apart and for work, if required.” Of course, this doesn’t mean that if you happened to pass out on the couch last night, you’ll have to stay on the couch for the next six weeks. Moreover, only one person in your household will be able to go out shopping each day. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Your California Privacy Rights Their case load has been much lower than the U.S.’s. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he explained to the UK outlet, calling the economic fallout from worldwide coronavirus lockdowns “a ghastly global catastrophe” and urging lockdown-loving leaders to “develop better systems” for controlling the virus’ spread. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. (Photo by Darrian Traynor/Getty Images), curfew has been introduced starting on August 2, 2020 in Melbourne, Australia. Oh, and both exercise and shopping will have to occur within five kilometres of your home. While the declaration was posted last week on the website of the Australian Covid Medical Network, it sat gathering dust for days - hyped on social media but ignored by the Australian establishment - until it presumably could no longer be ignored. Mathieson was one of just 18 doctors to sign his name to a similar statement directed at Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews on August 31, when the harms they predicted would be wrought by the state’s harsh lockdown were more hypothetical. This story has been shared 150,256 times. © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2020. Privacy Notice perspectives, and experiences of four 20-something Melburnians during this lockdown.). Terms of Use The U.S. has had over 4.6 million reported Covid-19 coronavirus cases with over 154,578 deaths, as of today, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. For the next six weeks, a daily curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 am bars nearly five million Melbourne residents from leaving their houses except for work or to receive or give care. Here’s a 9 News Australia report on the situation: As you can see, Melbourne will now have a curfew every day between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m., during which residents will be only able to leave home for work, medical care and caregiving. Most retail businesses, including hardware stores and manufacturers will have to close their doors from 11:59 pm Wednesday, but customers will be allowed to collect goods purchased online. That’s because Victoria … The declaration is unequivocal in its alarm, urging Australian states to repeal the control program: “Left unchecked, the Victorian government risks creating the state’s worst ever public health crisis.” The lockdowns, it explains, cause harm to all age groups: children who are denied the social interaction vital for growing into healthy adults, adults who risk not being diagnosed with chronic disease because all medical resources are focused on Covid-19, elderly who risk dying in care homes into which infected patients are carelessly introduced. The recent surge in cases in Victoria is further evidence that you can never quite fully relax as long as the virus is still spreading around the community, which kind of goes against Trump’s push to re-open schools before ensuring that the virus is no longer spreading in the community. MELBOURNE – Australia’s second-most populous state Victoria entered its first full day under stricter lockdown measures on Monday, after declaring a state of disaster and imposing a nightly curfew in the state capital Melbourne, to fight a resurgent COVID-19. The Australian Medical Association has attacked the letter as “fatally flawed,” warning that letting up on lockdown will lead to a fresh spike in cases, but this has not deterred Mathieson and his colleagues from demanding a loosening of restrictions. Thanks for contacting us. Meanwhile, Australia has had 17,895 cases and 208 deaths. So you won’t be seeing any chickens in the middle seats of airline flights from Australia anytime soon. It does mean though that if you live in Melbourne, you’ll have to return to your apartment, condo, or house each and every night. You don’t tend to say, “maybe no one will notice this breakout of Covid-19 coronavirus if I cover it with more foundation or a bandanna?” Trump presumably wasn’t referring to a breakout room or session either. Currently, I am. We've received your submission. As Agriculture Victoria described, they are restricting the movement of birds, equipment, and products in and out of Golden Plains Shire and the affected property. Supermarkets, bottle shops, pharmacies, banks, post offices and newsagents will remain open, but restaurants will be able to operate takeaway and delivery services only. Weddings in Melbourne are banned, except in compassionate circumstances, while funerals will continue to be restricted to up to 10 people. If you like this story, share it with a friend! Compare this to the numbers reported by the Australian Department of Health: 4,346,382 test performed with 0.4% positive tests. This website uses cookies. The Premier announced that 671 new cases of COVID were detected, 73 connected to outbreaks, 598 under investigation and seven people died overnight. To put it in concrete terms, would you rather lose 4.6 million golf balls or 225,752? Secondly, a “breakout” is not the same as an “outbreak.” The Covid-19 coronavrius is not acne. Your California Privacy Rights I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Moreover, with our world so interconnected, outbreaks anywhere in the world could eventually lead to more cases in the U.S. That’s the Covid-19 related news and not the avian influenza news as Trump doesn’t appear to be a chicken. Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you, Massive police response to reported anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne mall © Reuters / Stringer, Thousands of the world’s top scientists are finally speaking out against lockdowns. Trump has continued to push this theory: Well, take a closer look at the testing situation in each country. ‘Please conquer US!’ Why are liberals calling for foreign takeover or ‘international oversight’ of America? Currently, I am a Professor of Health Policy and Management at the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Public Health, Executive Director of PHICOR (@PHICORteam), Professor By Courtesy at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, and founder and CEO of Symsilico. (Photo by William WEST / AFP) (Photo by WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images). Jackman by the way is reportedly 74 inches tall even without the Wolverine haircut. (Photo by Darrian Traynor/Getty Images). That’s about 3.1 miles or 2,660 Hugh Jackmans if each Jackman were to lay on the ground head to toe. If you then do the math (which, in this case, means comparing two numbers to see which one is higher), 4.6 million for the U.S. would still be much higher than 225,752 and 154,578 would be much higher than 2,624. Such a lockdown certainly seems much more aggressive than the measures currently being implemented in most of the U.S. That’s even though cases and deaths have continued to rise in many parts of the U.S. such as Florida, Texas, and California over the past few weeks. Massive police response to reported anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne mall © Reuters / Stringer Warning Victoria’s strict Covid-19 lockdowns are “disproportionate and unscientific,” 500 doctors in Australia have penned a letter urging the government to reconsider - joining opposition to policies even the WHO backtracked on.
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