Today, prices are much more reasonable than they once were, but if up-frontcost for an LED retrofit is a sticking point, there are other ways to save a little money –– low ballast factor ballasts and high-efficiency T8 lamps, or get longer-life products. Although there are some ultra long-life fluorescent tubes, the average life rating is 20,000 hours, which doesn’t compare with the typical 50,000-hour LED. Commercial office lighting. So, are LED tubes the best option for replacing your fluorescents? While today’s technology has led to the development of florescent bulbs that warm up rapidly, they still suffer from a delay in reaching maximum illumination. Of course, not every fluorescent, incandescent, metal halide, etc., … LED, Linear Fluorescent vs Linear LED Pros and Cons. You can select what information you would like to receive. LED lamps contain no mercury. Because lighting accounts for almost 40% of your entire power bill, every second you can cut down on powering light fixtures means money you save. The latest LED fixtures are incorporating advanced controls that can help in meeting strict requirements. Regency Lighting 9261 Jordan AvenueChatsworth, CA 91311Phone: +1-800-284-2024Fax: +1-800-763-7636Send us a message. In the realm of lighting, this is still considered a long-life product, even though most LEDs will outlast most linear fluorescents. UVC Germicidal Light-What is it and How does it Work? Hi There! Even more, the cost of finding replacement lenses or fixture components can add up quickly. Depending on what your business does, this can be an issue. Add yourself to our community and receive timely updates on safety, new products, energy savings, rebates, and so much more. When should I consider linear LED for my commercial office? Click here to learn how >>. Based on the direction, loss of heat, and reflection reductions – LED lights provide almost 70% more light when supplied with the same amount of energy as a fluorescent tube. When an electrical charge is supplied to the arc tube, it excites the mercury gas and releases ultraviolet (UV) radiation. A switch from linear fluorescent to linear LED could save you between 45 and 65 percent in energy costs. document.write(year) Below, our experts here at Action Services Group help explain why it may be time for you to invest in LED technology in our latest blog LED vs. Fluorescent Tubes. Also, I must say, the pictures on the web site does not do this product justice! Fluorescent tubes typically last between 3 and 5 years. As with all LED lamps and tubes, they have different needs to standard fluorescent and incandescent lamps when it comes to dimming and emergency versions. // ]]> In addition to this, a fluorescent bulb relies on heat to produce the UV radiation from mercury gases. If you’re still wondering whether or not LED is right for you, these posts may help: hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(455757, '3c6e5db4-d1ef-4287-becb-e549a5fbe977', {}); Linear LED tubes come in a number of options, but the general idea here is to get the efficiency and life of LED within the existing fixture housing. While CFLs are available in linear shapes, they are more commonly coiled in appearance. As the tube begins to die, the ends will blacken and the light will flicker, which can cause health issues for those exposed to it. Energy savings is perhaps the top benefit of LED lighting. In fact, some linear LED manufacturers are so confident in their durability, they even offer a 10-year warranty on their lamps. Additionally, fluorescent lights need time to warm up. ELECTROMAGNETIC BALLAST FOR DISCHARGE/HID. That said, there are some great low-cost LED tubes on the market that can save you a significant amount of money up-front. LED. Read more). LEDs, on the other hand, do not require any heat to produce light and emit very little of it while in use. 525 Turner Industrial Way Excellent communication and quality of work resulted in completing the project on time and under budget. This is typically enough to get to a reasonable return on investment in most areas. Linear fluorescents are much easier to select than linear LEDs. Did you know we have a whole education center based on Lighting and LED Product Education? Fluorescent lights are part of the High-Intensity Discharge (HID) family. If you are slowly upgrading to LED as existing lamps burn out to avoid the significant capital expense of a retrofit, LED tubes may be the right choice for you.
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