producer price index

Prices of meat and poultry meat products rose by 2.4%. Energy prices as a whole decreased by 3.9%. Cookies on this website are used exclusively to serve the technical provision and optimisation of the website. These include consumer price indices (CPI), price indices relating to specific goods and/or services, GDP deflators and producer price indices (PPI). By contrast, prices of precious metals increased by 26.3% compared to August 2019. 65189 Wiesbaden, ©  Compared with the preceding month August the overall index increased by 0.4% in September 2020 (unchanged in August). They are often seen as advanced indicators of price changes throughout the economy, including changes in the prices of consumer goods and services. They exclude any taxes, transport and trade margins that the purchaser may have to pay. The Producer Price Index (PPI) program measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. Producer price inflation summary. 20 August 2020 Producer prices in July 2020: -1.7% on July 2019 . 6427.0), has been paused indefinitely as a result of changing priorities within the ABS as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prices of capital goods increased by 1.0% compared to August 2019, durable consumer goods by 1.5%. Prices decreased especially regarding secondary raw materials (-16.8%) as well as basic iron, steel and ferro-alloys (-8.7%) and basic chemicals (-6.4%). producer prices of industrial products, -1.3% Input producer price inflation is driven mostly by commodity prices, which tend to be more volatile over time, compared with prices for finished goods (output producer price inflation). In August the annual rate of change all over had been –1.2%, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction for many products and some services. The overall index disregarding energy was 0.4% down on August 2019. They exclude any taxes, transport and trade margins that the purchaser may have to pay. In July the annual rate of change all over had been –1.7%, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office.  Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) | 2020, Usage data on this website are processed only to the extent necessary and only for specific purposes. The producer price index (PPI) is a family of indexes that gauges the average fluctuation in selling prices received by domestic producers over time. A producer price index (PPI) is a price index that measures the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output. 65189 Wiesbaden, ©  -1.2% on the same month a year earlier. In September 2020, the index of producer prices for industrial products decreased by 1.0% compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year. Organisation for Economic. In July 2020 the index of producer prices for industrial products decreased by 1.7% compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year. … Index of Producer Prices of Industrial Products (Domestic Market)" (PDF, 3MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), Here you find all annexes to the Methodical Guide “Index of Producer Prices”, download file "Methodical Guide - Annexes Pork prices were down 12.6% compared to August 2019. Producer prices of industrial products (domestic market), August 2020 intermediate goods. The “Crisis Monitor” complements the "Corona statistics" webpage, which has provided statistical information on the economic and social consequences of the corona pandemic since early April. PPIs provide measures of average movements of prices received by the producers of various commodities. Phone:  Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 Detailed information can be found in our data privacy statement: Privacy Policy, Producer price indices for industrial products, Producer price index for industrial products. 3. The compilation of the quarterly Producer Price Index for the Output of the Retail Trade Industry, normally released as an additional update of the Producer Price Indexes, Australia (ABS cat. Producer Prices in Germany averaged 63.84 points from 1950 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 105.40 points in April of 2019 and a record low of 25.50 points in June of 1950. Detailed information can be found in our data privacy statement: Privacy Policy, (PDF, 1MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), (xlsx, 587KB, File does not meet accessibility standards), file "Methodical Guide "Index of Producer Prices", (PDF, 3MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), (PDF, 2MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), Index of producer prices for industrial products, Index of producer prices of industrial products - selected indices, Producer price indices for industrial products by months and product classification (GP2009 2-6-digit hierarchy), Data on energy price trends - Long-time series to September 2020. Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 Producer price indices in manufacturing measure the rate of change in prices of products sold as they leave the producer. WIESBADEN – In August 2020 the index of producer prices for industrial products decreased by 1.2% compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year. Education General The price of sugar increased by 19.2%. In June the annual rate of change all over had been –1.8%, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office. Prices: Producer prices, Snapshot of data for a fixed period (data will not change even if updated on the site). Producer price indices in manufacturing measure the rate of change in prices of products sold as they leave the producer. WIESBADEN – In August 2020 the index of producer prices for industrial products decreased by 1.2% compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year. They are often seen as advanced indicators of price changes throughout the economy, … In July the annual rate of change all over had been –1.7%, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office. Users interested in the statistics are provided with information which makes it easier for them to use and interpret the results, download file "Methodical Guide "Index of Producer Prices" Use this code to embed the visualisation into your website. The Producer price index for industrial products is also part of the "Crises monitor", which is used by the Federal Statistical Office to compare the development of major short-term indicators between the corona crisis and the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009. Latest available data for a fixed period, © This indicator is presented for total market and domestic market and is measured in terms of the annual growth rate and in index. Prices of ready-mixed concrete rose by 4.5%. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Source: More detailed data and long time series are available in table Producer price indices for industrial products (61241-0006) in the GENESIS-Online database. A variety of price indices may be used to measure inflation in an economy. PPIs provide measures of average movements of prices received by the producers of various commodities. Prices of non-durable consumer goods increased by 0.3% compared to August 2019. +49 (0) 611/75 27 50, Statistisches Bundesamt No. Index of Producer Prices of Industrial Products (Domestic Market)" (PDF, 2MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), Statistisches Bundesamt On an annual basis, prices of petroleum products were down 14.4%, prices of natural gas (distribution) decreased by 9.9%. Rates of change by producer prices for industrial products, Price indices for natural gas and light heating oil, Data on energy price trends - Long-time series to September 2020 (PDF, 1MB, File does not meet accessibility standards), Data on energy price trends - Long-time series to September 2020 (xlsx, 587KB, File does not meet accessibility standards), More publications only in german language, The methodical guide describes the basis and methods of producer price statistics. 0.0% on the previous month Prices of intermediate goods decreased by 2.0% compared to August 2019. Manufacturing covers the production of semi-processed goods and other intermediate goods as well as final products such as consumer goods and capital equipment. -1.0% Compared with the preceding month July the overall index remained unchanged in August 2020 (+0.2% in July). Producer Prices in Germany increased to 103.60 points in September from 103.20 in August 2020. Crisis Monitor allows comparison between corona crisis and and financial and economic crisis. Prices of cereal flour were down 2.9%. Figure 1 shows input and output Producer Price Indices (PPIs) over the past 15 years. Cookies on this website are used exclusively to serve the technical provision and optimisation of the website. It presents in a clear form both the background of index calculation and preceding activities. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index, PSB Suite 3840 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 Telephone: 1-202-691-7705 Contact PPI Producer prices of industrial products (domestic market), August 2020 0.0% on the previous month-1.2% on the same month a year earlier. Copy the URL to open this chart with all your selections.  Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) | 2020, Usage data on this website are processed only to the extent necessary and only for specific purposes.

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