questions to ask students about their learning

These interactive questions are also fun and can prevent straight-lining (when a bored respondent completes a survey quickly by choosing the same answer for every question). These templa…, January 19, 2016 While the rating alone isn’t particularly useful, it … 22.If you could do this assignment over, what would you do differently? More than half of students, for example, say that homework is their primary source of stress. So ask students to list specific things they like and dislike about your class using a comment box. What are student survey questions? Trending; Categories; Workshops; Support; Advertise; Menu. You can follow up with a single textbox question, asking why they found that activity to be so useful. 11.What are some problems you see in the school that you believe the adults should be working to solve? Reflection questions allow students to think about their thinking. 12.What are some of the solutions to those problems? Asking “What are your ideas on how to address it?” is in the spirit of the quote, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. 3.What could you do today to help you develop better relationships with your peers? 1.What are some ways you could share this learning with your parents or family? Here’s a list of student survey questions that’ll help you gather actionable insights from your students: Find out what type of subject material your class struggles with by asking students to rank the most important lessons, from easiest to hardest. If you’ve written student survey questions before, you know that often the most helpful responses are also the most specific ones. But what are some specific questions or activities we could be doing to help students reflect? What is the cost-cutting motive behind using technology? Just be careful not to add too many answer options! Filed Under: In the Classroom Tagged With: feedback, survey. Enjoy! © 2020 Edunators - Helping Teachers Overcome Obstacles and Focus on Learning, the importance of reflection in education. This question gets students thinking constructively, instead of just critically, about class. 27.What evidence do you have to support your answer? If you ask this question at the beginning of the year, it helps you tailor your lesson plans to your students’ interests. This will help you focus on the right areas that improve your teaching methods most. 25.What’s one thing the teacher did for this objective that you really liked? 31.How can you take what you have learned and apply it to your own life? This is a less cynical variation of the profit … In class, we don’t usually pause to celebrate individual student’s successes. Today we are sharing with you some excellent Google Docs templates to use with students to create newspapers. You might also want to pass on your students’ answers to next year’s teacher to build continuity of learning between the two classes. Encourage students to complete the evaluation by discussing its purpose and importance in the weeks leading up to it. 53 Questions for the Start of the 2020-21 School Year For Students (Grades 3-5 and 6-12): 1. December 5, 2015 Give students time (10-15 minutes) to complete the digital evaluation during class (just as they do with printed, paper evaluations). You can ask this question using a drag and drop ranking question type. document.getElementById('cloak1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a').innerHTML='';var prefix='ma'+'il'+'to';var path='hr'+'ef'+'=';var addy1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a='markclements'+'@';addy1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a=addy1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a+'edunators'+'.'+'com?subject=35%20Questions%20Feedback';var addy_text1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a='Email';document.getElementById('cloak1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a').innerHTML+=''+addy_text1d3b3ce0cc9d7e0493f157b805df585a+'<\/a>';. 4.Why is it important for students in a school to have positive relationships with each other? While asking for help is a positive thing, and sometimes students just need to vent, problem-solving skills are critical to a student’s success. 2. Many teachers are afraid to ask students for personal feedback. 7.What are some things your classmates do that help you learn? This question reveals not just what current students think of your class, but the expectations future students will have on their first day. I’ve already spoken at length about the importance of reflection in education and how we as teachers can use reflection to help students learn. Consider checking out…, Lesson Planning Using the Four Critical Questions, The Hidden Connection Between Learning and Video Games, The Two Things Teachers Focus on Most....Instead of Learning, Common Obstacles To Being Focused On Learning, Step 1: Accept Responsibility For Learning, Stop Playing the Victim: Teachers and the Blame Game, 15 Ways to Build Positive Relationships with Students, Turning Things Around: Make Your Worst Class Your Best Class, 7 Ways to Improve Our "Student Concern" Meetings, Lesson Planning Using The Four Critical Questions, The Hidden Connection Between Video Games and Learning. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. While you’ll definitely have to curate your students’ suggestions based on what is and what isn’t realistic, adopting one or more suggestions shows your students you’re listening to them. 30.What will you need to learn to solve those problems? Of course, there are some questions students won't have answers to, it's ok they are not expected to answer all of them anyway. Of course, not all student survey questions provide useful responses. What project, assignment, or test gave each of your student’s pride in their learning? When they give advice, what do they focus on: The lesson plans, the tests, the teaching style? Ask your students using a multiple choice question. 5.What are some ways in which the adults in the school could help you improve the relationships you have with your classmates? 15.Why do you believe we’re studying this objective? 26.How can you prove to the teacher you know the objective? If you work in academia, it is surely a great idea to know the perceptions and opinions of students. homework is their primary source of stress, seeking constructive criticism and taking it in stride will allow you to reach your full potential in your job. 10.What are some things you do in the classroom that you believe can help other people learn? It’s important then, for students to identify and articulate their own accomplishments. Here are 12 questions to ask students on the first day of school, including: "What do you need from me to be successful this year?" This is especially true given that pride in learning is closely linked to higher academic success. 20.What mistakes did you make on my last assignment that you did not make on today’s assignment? 2.Could you say something positive about each of your classmates? For example, you can hold a review session following that lesson. How would you like to be learning right now (more time at home, more time at school, etc.)? Before you ask students to offer ways you can improve as a teacher, ask them to rate you with a number or slider scale. Today we spent sometime going through our archive looking for special needs apps we have shared here in the past and ended…, Today's post features some of the best educational websites to help your students develop strong reading skills. 8.What are some things your classmates do that prevent you from learning? But what are some specific questions or activities we could be doing to help students reflect? Students can choose to address classroom dynamics, classroom management, the curriculum, or whatever they want in this open-ended question. If you ask this question at the end of the year, it encourages your students to think about their independent academic interests. Perhaps most crucially, by shifting their reflection from content to thought , students have the chance to put themselves back at the center of the learning … ... What are your favorite questions to ask your students? Homework reinforces learning, but some studies find that too much homework can have a negative effect on wellbeing. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Student surveys are valuable sources of feedback for teachers and self-reflection for students. Why? The importance of integrating questioning in your teaching pedagogy is two fold: first it provides students with an outlet to vociferate their voice and actively participate in the formulation of their learning needs. By using lessons as your answer choices, you’ll be able to quickly remind students what you covered in class. 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Teaching our students the importance of reflecting upon their knowledge, work, effort, and learning is super important, but it’s not always that easy. Or dedicate more time to improving its curriculum. I am always looking for new ideas! By asking the right questions, you’ll be able to identify what’s working and what isn’t in the classroom. The advice that your students give to peers reveals a lot about their biggest takeaway from your class. All through with this piece? 19.What are some things you did really well on this assignment? The questions below were created to be, as much as possible, useful with most students at most ages and grade levels with a little rewording. They (websites) provid…, 2010-2020 Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, 26 Questions to Ask Students in The First Week of School, 5 Handy Google Docs Templates for Creating Classroom Newspapers, A Handy Chart Featuring Over 30 iPad Apps for Students with Special Needs, 19 Educational Websites to Enhance Students Reading Skills, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. 10 or more answer options may be too taxing for your respondents. 24.What do you believe the teacher could have done differently to help you learn this objective easier? 18.Did you come to class today prepared to learn (in both your attitude and with all your supplies) ? The answers will help you understand the material that’s relatively more challenging, allowing you to effectively modify your approach in the future. 28.What would you like to learn more about (today, this week, this year, etc) ? Surveys at the beginning, middle, or end of the school year can help you plan effective classes, reach struggling students, and improve your teaching methods. Below you will find a list of such questions, grouped accordingly to why you might use them in your classroom. 6.What, if anything, have you done or said lately that may have been considered bullying towards other students? Your students’ experience stands to benefit. 17.Did this activity help you learn more than others we’ve done? As always, if you have any thoughts, questions or comments about this work, feel free to hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, or via This email address is being protected from spambots. Below you will find a list of such questions, grouped accordingly to why you might use them in your classroom.

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