Full details are available on request. Documents. These may change or we may introduce new ones in the future. Before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness. Daily payment runs ensure you meet your obligations under the superannuation guarantee legislation; One payment per cycle, rather than one … What email notifications will I receive from QuickSuper around contribution processing? Please contact your product specialist for further information. or created within QuickSuper using the manual contribution entry screens. If you do not already have this … We use cookies to secure and tailor your web use. The QuickSuper service is provided to you by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 ("Westpac") Conditions, fees and charges apply. Entering Contributions using QuickSuper. This section does not apply to payments made using Direct Debit. on the Qvalent status page. Now there’s an easier way to make super contributions for your staff. Because of this you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs. St.George Bank - A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714. Product Disclosure Statement QuickSuper Employer Product Disclosure Statement; QuickSuper Employer Terms And Conditions; To view a PDF file, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. To find out more, speak to your Relationship Manager or call the QuickSuper Support Team on 1300 301 883 and select "option 3". BT Financial Group does not recommend, endorse or accept responsibility for this service. Validates data and guarantees payments are disbursed with matching electronic contribution advices. The QuickSuper service and other products offered on this website are intended for use in Australia only. Our notice explains how we use cookies and how you can manage them. (PDS). Making staff super payments is a manual and time consuming process, made more complex with the introduction of Super Choice. The following events will create an email notification: Contribution Authoriser – when the user clicks on ‘Notify Authorised User’ button, this email is sent to the authoriser. financial situation or needs. Our notice explains how we use cookies and how you can manage them. When you have chosen to initiate the payment to QuickSuper using the details provided, QuickSuper will perform the following matching logic to identify your payment and match it to your contributions. QuickSuper Gateway for contributions and rollovers, Terms and Conditions or Product Disclosure Statement, Daily payment runs ensure you meet your obligations under the superannuation guarantee legislation, One payment per cycle, rather than one payment per employee, Supports electronic contributions to every registered fund in Australia through either direct credit or direct debit. With QuickSuper, you make one payment instead of sending individual payments to each fund for each of … Annual super statements will be made available online over the coming months. If you have any questions please call us on 1300 553 010 between 8.00am to 6.30pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday. If you were an active user of the previous BT QuickSuper Portal as at 21 January 2020, you will have received your new BT Super Portal login details via email and a password via SMS. Lending criteria apply to approval of credit products. Westpac is the only bank in Australia to own and operate a superannuation clearing house, known as QuickSuper, that delivers payment and contribution data to any superannuation fund, QuickSuper operates on a Tier One Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) certified payment platform, Comprehensive support through the payment life cycle (Westpac owns and supports the QuickSuper portal and settlement processing end-to-end). These may change or we may introduce new ones in the future. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Continually enhanced platform, with an average of three major releases a year aimed at making the task of managing contributions easier. Making staff super payments is a manual and time consuming process, made more complex with the introduction of Super Choice. PAYING FOR CONTRIBUTIONS. QuickSuper key benefits: QuickSuper saves your business time by providing a solution that streamlines and automates the processing of your employee superannuation administration, contributions and payments; Our QuickSuper portal allows you to make just one … Read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service, including the Terms and Conditions or Product Disclosure Statement, before deciding. If you pay contributions via direct credit or BPAY® There are new payment (account) details which will be provided when you submit your first contribution via the new portal. If you have not received your login details or password please contact us on 1300 553 010. Contribution Awaiting Authorisation – In the Company Preferences, if the chosen ‘Authorisation Model’ is ‘Single Authorisation’ or ‘Double … Access to automated detailed reports and online audit history for tracing transactions. QuickSuper is secure and simple. You’ll also find copies of the emails sent to primary contacts and a user guide to assist you in transferring your Choice employees to the new Portal if you did not provide consent to BT to transfer your choice employees. QuickSuper Employer Service Agreement means the agreement between you and Westpac by which Westpac agrees to process amounts to be credited to nominated … St.George has solved the problem with QuickSuper – an easy-to-use, online super payment system. Please ensure you update your accounts with these new details so contributions can be allocated correctly. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. With QuickSuper, you make one payment instead of sending individual payments to each fund for each of your staff. © Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. If you receive an error message when registering your company’s postal address, please refer to. Please ensure you update your accounts with these new details so contributions can be allocated correctly.
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