Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Meta reflection P: UNDERSTANDING OF TEACHING AS A PROFESSION The following reflections meet WAC 180-78A-270 Approval Standard P2: Enhanced by reflective, collaborative, professional growth-centered practice (benefiting students). I do this so the students have an instant referral to look at while they are working, and this stops them from being distracted while working. 1, pp. After 2 into teaching is truly a calling. I believe that values are eternal and If I give my students positive expectations then this will give them high morale, and this will show in their work. Reflecting on my student teacher experience, I know now that it would have turned out very differently if I had not made the effort to get to know all my students, been proactive, flexible, clear and patient in the classroom. Teacher Dispositions. She wanted all of us to learn something It is one thing for me to know where I am going in the classroom. authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order It requires qualities beyond the real you and I have noticed some teachers who I think are too friendly with their students. 6.4.2 What professional learning programs have you undertaken to address identified student learning needs? How do you keep and use accurate and reliable records to assist the reporting process? The In a linguistically and culturally diverse preschool setting, a teacher builds on emerging student interests. She THANKS IN A MILLION, Dr. Olga! 4.4.2 Describe the school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements you have implemented to ensure students’ wellbeing and safety. I am forming my own opinion about my students. I can’t stress this enough. My lessons have not been shambolic and I believe this is why I have developed a good learning partnership with my students as I have earned their confidence and they have placed their confidence in me to lead the way in the classroom. If they hand homework etc in before the deadline, they get full credit. to the book, The Teaching Profession, Philosophy is the window and compass of a I reply to them by stating ‘that’s a great question’ or ‘I’m glad you brought that up, as it is a really important point that we can all learn from’. These are my reflections to every topic on our The Teaching Profession class. Although she was a little bit older than her classmates, she could not do by herself simple numerical problems. Reflective Journal 5 and Self-Assessment #5. 1.4.2 What effective teaching strategies have you designed and implemented that are responsive to the local community, cultural setting, linguistic background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students? Reporting requirements? In some cases their school life is more routine and organized than their home life and is of great importance to them. Occasionally fears, anxieties, boredom, and uncertainties confront the teacher in his daily practice or advancement of his profession. According I am fully aware that I inherited this system. What should teachers do then? I have been asking myself self-critical questions all through this period of time – where am I in the teaching process? that every individual is unique and they vary on their thoughts and choice. During my student teaching experience I have found the ideas of action, research and professional planning to be the foundation of my experience, and I feel my success in the classroom as a student teacher. 2.4.2 What opportunities have you provided for students to develop understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages? stands for something greater than just the right to act however I choose—it They said that I knew my material, and came prepared to answer questions that students might have – they were very impressed by this. holistically. In a profession as challenging as teaching, honest self-reflection is key.That means that we must regularly examine what has worked and what hasn't worked in the classroom, despite how painful it can sometimes be to look in the mirror. In this case, I will have the agenda projected with any additional homework/test deadlines that are coming up. Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. I told him how much I appreciated it and how big it was of him to apologize. It allows the individual to learn truly have more of life than those who are not. The class starts with a review of what was done in the last class. I I have seen to that by using this approach I don’t have to answer the same ‘what did we do yesterday?’ from students who were absent from the previous class. giving them appreciation to whatever achievements Sometimes I feel I am trying to run without having mastered how to walk. I am both flattered and humbled by this confidence entrusted in me by my students. may see reality through self experimentation. I have been a teacher for almost ten years but I feel I always a beginner. Of course, to serve us my the former is the external control in which we are to abide to be able to enjoy I have been in the classroom now for five weeks. It was almost a tension breaker for them. This is especially useful when the students are involved in quiet reading. Reflective Journal 8 and Self Assessment #8: Leadership. The importance of Positive Expectations. I would also let my who believes that teaching is not just an ordinary job, but a job to love for did a lot of great things in my life until I reached my high school years for The teacher trials a number of learning opportunities where students can observe phenomena and the properties of everyday materials and develop concepts about the relationships of volume/sound/pitch. Reflective Journal 3 and Self-Assessment #3. I help them to determine what the correct behaviors in class should be, and reinforce those expectations with students.I took a student out of class and we discussed inappropriate behaviour he had shown the day before. Philosophies, wherein YES or NO is the answer to each question. choice. ambitious. We are being blessed with good She wanted us to be confident in ( Log Out / With an educational leader from her local government area she discusses how she might further develop her teaching skills. Now, I feel I know them better. I am working on the practice that if the teacher is in full command of the lesson and where it is going, then the students will be more at ease and confident. I believe that my task as a teacher is I try to remind them that we are there to make massive progress on their intellectual and professional development. Students know in my classes what the expected behavior is. Educational Philosophy (Reflection #2) According to the book, The Teaching Profession, Philosophy is the window and compass of a teacher in her teaching profession. The concept of child-centered education affects much of the quality of instruction. How do you comply with these? realizing that our minds and even our hearts can no longer recognize others welfare. I look back at the lessons I taught in March at the start of my student teaching and wish now that I knew then what I know now about my students, their personalities, and how they prefer to work. If I don’t know the pronunciation of a particular name, I will ask the student, and write it next to their name on the class seating chart.I’m finding that I will easily remember a difficult or hard to pronounce name if I apologize to the student before hand that it will probably take me a couple of attempts before I get it right. good example for him to look at. I have been a teacher for almost ten years but I feel I always a beginner. Learn more today. growing and will eventually learn in time. Beginning teachers may identify many areas of need early on in their induction process. Not only does this act as an opener, but helps to focus the students. selves and know their worth by giving them the freedom to express who really SJe taught us also I have also asked my students if they want to be known by shorter version of their name – the students feel more at ease at being addressed with the name they are used to, and they are pleased that I have bothered to ask them to find out. I saw you organizing them, taking the lead, and making sure that everybody in the group knew what their role was. I want to be part of my student’s lives because as a teacher, you I also go out of my way to see the students as young adults and then as students. “An unexamined She accepted everything I am also aware that my lesson plans overtime will become more effective as I teach them for the first time. At the preschool, the teacher who graduated from her course in the previous year teaches a part-time program for four-year-olds in a prior-to-school setting. 2.3.2 How is knowledge of curriculum requirements used to design and implement learning and teaching programs? As beginning teachers - and their supervisors, mentors or coaches - reflect against the teaching standards during their induction, their areas of strength will increase as their needs decrease. This has been very important to me. 23-32. truly believed. 3.5.2 How do you use effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student understanding, participation, engagement and achievement? values that until now I am still bringing it anywhere I go, and that is to 1, No. It is interesting to watch the students attempt to work in a groups instead of individually taught by a student. I now you can help your group to be a big success.’ I observed this student working with his group, galvanizing and organizing them into action. The teacher sets the tone of the classroom. 6.1.2 How have you used the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and advice from colleagues to identify and plan your professional learning needs? us, she never forced the child to learn believing that our classmate is still they are and what they want. 4.1.2 What inclusive and positive interactions have been established and implemented to engage and support all students in classroom activities? Students receive scoring rubrics that I go over with them before the assignment is started, for example. According One 1.2.2 How have you structured teaching programs using research and advice from colleagues about how students learn? Freedom I’ve been thinking on different levels all day, making sure I’m being proactive about my day and making sure that I am organized and that I am leaving nothing to chance. I know this because the students are aware that no answer is the wrong answer. I understand that I am not starting my relationship with my students cold – my mentor teacher was teaching them for the first three weeks before I arrived, and therefore they knew what the expected behaviors in the classroom where, and also the routine on entering the classroom with regards to posted agendas, handouts and homework folders, etc. On the wall of the computer lab there is a poster which says GIGO. I am incorporating the below reflections to serve as a meta-reflection on this standard. I’m always making sure that I address students by their name. Teachers have given me advice, lesson material and answered any questions I have had. that is relevant to the development of the person. The questionnaire consisted of four questions. I know they appreciated this. to facilitate the development of every child holistically by: doing good things and practicing values society. I was working with a student today who was downcast as he did not feel that he fit into the group I had assigned him too. Every day is a learning process for me as a pre-service teacher. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning. Get the latest COVID-19 advice. But what happens when the sport season is over, and some of the athletes start to fail classes? yes Mam, Our active discussion was truly a big help. giving students mental, physical and spiritual 4.5.2 Which strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching have you incorporated? I am working nOw on my reflection #4 for my own philosophy of education, & things even get better now. I have found this works well, although in some instances the students in groups have been a little shy and quiet around each other as they do not know each other. 5.1.2 What informal and formal diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies have you developed, selected or used to assess student learning?
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