Princess Shahnaz Pahlavi half-sister, (October 27, 1940) Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi (born 31 October 1960) Prince Ali-Reza Pahlavi (28 April 1966 - 4 January 2011) Princess Leila Pahlavi (27 March 1970 - 10 June 2001) Father, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Mother, Farah Diba Born 12 March 1963 Iran, (Persia) Tehran . Shah Ismail I: Mother: Tajlu Khanum: Religion: Twelver Shia Islam: Tahmasp I (/ t ɑː ˈ m ɑː s p /; Persian pronunciation: [tæhˈmɒːseb], Persian: شاه تهماسب یکم ) (22 February 1514 – 14 May 1576) was an influential Shah of Iran, who enjoyed the longest reign of any member of the Safavid dynasty. He also captured one of Suleiman's favourites, Sinan Beg. By this treaty historical Armenia and Georgia were divided equally between the two, the Ottoman Empire obtained most of Iraq, including Baghdad, which gave them access to the Persian Gulf, while the Persians retained their former capital Tabriz and all their other north-western territories in the Caucasus (Dagestan, Azerbaijan) and as they were prior to the wars. Here is a selection of his political and didactic poems: «If you want greatness, make the first move, step by step, as on a ladder, The son of Sultān Haydar has conquered the world, and his men have become rich by this conquest.». The Safavids were completely crushed and the Ottoman Turks sacked and pillaged their enemy capital Tabriz next. Suleiman was eager to negotiate his son's return, but Tahmasp rejected his promises and threats until, in 1561 Suleiman compromised with him. In 1547, when Suleiman the Magnificent attacked Safavid Iran, France sent him the ambassador Gabriel de Luetz to accompany him in his campaign. Nevertheless, one court faction supported Ismail, while another backed Haydar Mirza Safavi, the son of a Georgian. Since the Ottoman army possessed overwhelming numerical superiority, Tahmasp avoided pitched battle with them and resorted to alternative tactics. He was the son and successor of Ismail I. No doubt, this preference for Turkish and the patronage of his Turkish-speaking subjects was an important factor in the death of Persian literary works written in the early Safavīd period. This scorched earth policy led to the loss of 30,000 Ottoman troops as they made their way through the Zagros mountains and Suleiman decided to abandon his campaign. This process would not be peaceful, and much of it was spread by the sword: Ismail enforced the compulsory cursing of the first three caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (mirroring the Umayyad tradition of cursing Ali), imprisoned and executed Sunnis unwilling to convert to Shiism and destroyed and desecrated Sunni mosques and tombs - even European ambassadors were astonished how he could renovate Christian churches while at the same time destroying Sunni heritage. He had personal reasons since he hated Sunnis for killing his father and older brother, but also had a practical side: he could create a distinct and unique identity for Iranians to stand out from their Sunni rivals and prevent a possible Sunni fifth column from within his subjects. Today, Shia Islam is considered inseparable part of Iran (though this can be attributed to its current government since the Islamic Revolution) as the word "Safavid" itself is used as an slur directed to Shia Muslims (particularly used by Sunni fundamentalists and jihadists) - and it all can be traced back to Ismail I's policies. Many critics believe that Shāh Ismā„īl composed about 10,000 couplets in the anthologies called Mathnavī- ye- Dahnāma; Nasīhat-nāma, Manāqib al-Asrār-Wa –Bihjat- al- Ahrār and Dīwān-i ‟Ashāre-e- Rubāī in Turkish. Khadija Sultan Begum, married firstly to Jamshid Khan son of Sultan Mahmud Khan, married secondly to Shah Nimtullah III, son of Mir Miran Yazdi; Fatima Sultan Khanum (died 1581, Tabriz, buried in Aradbil), married to Amir Khan Mawsillu Turkman governor of Tabriz; Khanish Begum, married to Shah Nimtullah III, son of Mir Miran Yazdi. He was forced to retreat to Baghdad where the Ottomans abandoned him as an embarrassment. 2-The migrations of the Ottoman subjects and Iranian Turks and Persians to each others‟ countries was the second factor for these relationships and developments. [15] From that time, as soon as the Ottomans would launch a European campaign, they would be attacked by the Iranians on their eastern frontier, forcing Suleiman to return speedily to his capital. An angry mob gathered and Tahmasp had Bayezid put into custody, alleging it was for his own safety. Press J to jump to the feed. Hələ bir də mənim üstümə gəlirlər, sanki bu məqaləni yazan və məqalədəki yabancı və iran referanslarını göstərən öz ölkələrinin insanları deyil də, mənəm amk :d. Mother Tongue is a wrong translation for Dill (if you mean as spoken thing not a part of mouth). Div Sultan emerged victorious but his ally, Chuha Sultan Takkalu, turned against him and urged the shah to get rid of him. Born in 1487, Abu'l-Moẓaffar Ismā'īl ibn Shaykh Ḥaydar ibn Shaykh Junayd was the Shah of Iran and founder of the Safavid Empire. He came to the throne aged ten in 1524 and came under the control of the Qizilbash who formed the backbone of the Safavid Empire. The frontier thus established ran across the mountains dividing eastern and western Georgia (under native vassal princes), through Armenia, and via the western slopes of the Zagros down to the Persian Gulf. The conclusions that could be drawn from this discussion are as follows: 1-The presence of Qizil-Bashes in the Safavid army, in spite of Shah Ismail‟s having grown up in Gilan‟s providences, and his mother tongue made it possible to devote himself to the advancement of Turkish language and its literature. So, again i say, if you find this article absurd, and if you have concerns about this article, you can contact with authors who are also iranians who have studied in Iran and you can take your concerns, questions and complaints to them. This is not surprising since it was the language spoken by Shāh Ismāīl himself. Haydar was killed and Ismail emerged triumphant as Shah Ismail II.[26]. Source:, This was a turning moment in Islamic history: since the fall of the Fatimid Caliphate at the hands of Saladin Ayyubi during the Crusades, Shias were once again in control of an large empire ever instead of being a minority in Sunni-dominated states, Twelver doctrine became the most dominant form practiced in Shia Islam rather than Zaidiyyah sect (dominant in Yemen) and the establishment of the Safavid state greatly hindered Ottoman advance into Europe, as they spent too much time warring with the Persians.
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