August 26, 2020. National Dog Day has also been using its platform to encourage dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and continuously pushes for all dogs to be allowed to live happy and abuse-free lives. It is widely covered in the media each year and rescue homes are the all-important exposure they need to get their message across. MAIN Home Life Holidays & Observances National Dog Day 2020. It is also a day to recognize how hard service dogs work on our behalf and also to draw attention to the plight of abused and abandoned dogs. By Madisson Haynes. National Dog Adoption Day will take place on 23rd October 2020 and is all about debunking the myths about rescue dogs and sharing stories of dogs who’ve been rescued (before in some cases rescuing their new owners) and the lives these special dogs have gone onto lead with their new families. August 26 marks International Dog Day, but the pandemic has made this year's celebration different. Founded in 2004 by Animal Welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle Expert, Colleen Paige, National Dog Day celebrates all breeds, mixed and pure and serves to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year, either from public shelters, rescues and pure breed rescues. Today is National Hot Dog Day in 2020 -- so go grab a dog (or two or three) and enjoy the classic taste of summer. Yo, Dawg. Happy National Dog Day 2020! Celebrated annually every August 26th, National Dog Day is a day for people to recognize the importance of dogs and how they impact their lives on a daily basis. On August 26th, it's all about the dogs (and puppies).on National Dog Day.
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