The Incarnation of the Son of God is that unique kind of thing. If there is only one person in God, there would be no one to love, because love means caring for and caring about someone else. It is a spiritual image, started when God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.” We were made to be like God, and since Jesus is the perfect image of God, we are being conformed into his image, changed so that we are more like he is. He ate ordinary food, breathed air like an ordinary person, his fingernails grew and he got thirsty and tired. Here the need was to state the constant teaching of the Church with a view to reuniting the Eastern and Western Churches, separated by the Eastern Schism. Human language could not be clearer, and there the faith of the Church stands to day and will until the end of time. "When you send your Spirit,they are created” (Ps. Neither Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses understand the difference between 1st Century Biblical Trinity vs. 4th century Creedal Trinity, do you? That is because persons have relationships with one another, and relationships are important for all of us. This brings us back to the classical example of the Trinity, which defines God as Three Persons who share one Divine Nature. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you…. He will tell you what is yet to come. Thankfully, we are saved not by having absolutely perfect theology, but we are saved by Christ, by grace, by trusting in Jesus to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. The answer is, that just as the Persons in the Trinity interact with one another in love, so also we as persons ought to interact with all other human persons in love. One common explanation is that our sin requires a penalty, and Jesus serves as a substitute to pay the penalty on our behalf. It does not contradict reason, but goes beyond it. When Jehovah's Witnesses attempt to prove that the trinity is not a Bible doctrine, they always focus on the Catholic trinity rather than the Biblical trinity. This mission is only properly spoken of with reference to the Father alone.The Son’s mission is to be begotten of the Father and Incarnate as a true Man on this earth. The Trinity is the pattern for our liberty. We experience the judgment, the result he warned us about, without him having to do anything extra to punish us. : Become a Member Today! The Father initiated the plan, the Son of God carried out key steps in the plan, and the Holy Spirit also has an ongoing role in the transformation, the change that we all need. This truth, then, is the fundamental revelation of the New Covenant, the highest doctrine in the hierarchy of revealed truth and the basic, distinctive characteristic of traditional, historic Christianity. The Three Persons of the Trinity do not constitute different “parts” that added together make God as a sum. We are already his children, already “in his image” in one sense, but there is more to come. 110Prov. On it everything else depends and from it everything else derives. More precise was the attempt of St. Augustine, who in the work De Trinitate attempted to understand the Trinity by looking at the operations of the human soul, which is made in God’s image. The word Logos is the term by which Christian theology in the Greek language designates the Word of God, or Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This generation and procession within the theological Trinity are mirrored in the external processions of the Divine Persons through their missions in the world. The goal is to have an ongoing relationship. But just as Jesus shows us what God is like, he also shows us what humanity is really like. Paul uses a different relationship term in 2 Corinthians 11:2: “I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.” This marriage concept is used in the book of Revelation, too: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
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