Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England, and is one of the most recognizable and famous sites in the world. The land around Stonehenge is owned by the National Trust. Discover the secrets of this incredible ancient monument… Calling all young historians and budding archaeologists – we’re off to investigate the … Archaeologists believe the final changes were made around 1,500BC, in the early Bronze Age. 10. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Stonehenge is a massive stone monument located on a chalky plain north of the modern-day city of Salisbury, England. Archaeological research shows that the structure of this amazing monument changed over time, as it was built and rebuilt by generations of ancient peoples. Above: Stonehenge trilithon. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The entire site was surrounded by a circular ditch and bank, which also remains this day! Today Stonehenge is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and it is one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. There were also two circles made of smaller ‘bluestones’ – one inside the outer circle and one inside the horseshoe – as well as four ‘station stones’ positioned outside the central monument. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. Facts About Indigenous Aboriginal Art & Culture. 18 December 2013 – the date the new purpose-built Stonehenge … Built by our ancestors over many hundreds of years, it’s one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments… And one of it’s biggest mysteries, too! It’s a question that has baffled people for centuries – and even to this day, no theory has been proven! The wheel is thought to be the largest and earliest example of its kind…, Discover the world-famous human rights activist who became South Africa’s first black president…, Nat Geo Kids travels back in time to find out more about a conflict that rocked the world…. They used Sarsen stones that weighed 25 tons and were about 18 feet tall. + Read more about the period before Stonehenge. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Stonehenge is Believed to be ancient than Egyptian Pyramids This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Located in Wiltshire and managed by English Heritage, the prehistoric site attracts more than one million tourists each year. Dave Fowler • History in Numbers • All third party trademarks are hereby acknowledged. Work started on this super stone circle around 5,000 years ago in the late Neolithic Age – but it took over 1,000 years to build, in four long stages! Ask a parent or guardian to check it out first and remember to stay safe online. Bluestones are a type of volcanic rock. Research shows that the site has continuously evolved over a period of about 10,000 years. Stonehenge Facts Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England, and is one of the most recognizable and famous sites in the world. You’re leaving to visit another website! Celebrate the Summer Solstice! It is only found in certain places and this is why it has been determined that it came from the area 240 miles away. Those who built Stonehenge had to have been extremely sophisticated in mathematics and geometry. It is owned and cared for by the National Trust. Below are ten facts about Stonehenge that look to answer these age-old questions. It was also aligned with the most northerly setting and most southerly rising of the moon. Good Work :), […] […], […] Stonehenge is a circle of stones built over 5000 years ago during the Stone Age. Other theories suggest that the site could have been a place of healing where sick people flocked in hope of being cured by the monument’s miraculous powers. Found on England’s Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Stonehenge is a huge man-made circle of standing stones. Today the Stonehenge continues to be a huge tourist attraction. Stonehenge Facts! But how were the ginormous boulders lifted to their standing position? Stonehenge is one of the world’s most famous monuments. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The lighter bluestones weigh about 3,600kg each (that’s the same as two cars! There are also several hundred burial mounds in the area and land surrounding Stonehenge. Shaping the stones would have required hundreds of hours of hard graft with stone hammers and chisels. This website uses cookies (not edible ones!). Before Stonehenge. Experts estimate that about 200 people are buried on the grounds. Some people believe that Stonehenge is actually a giant clock. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Some people believe that aliens built Stonehenge but there has not been any proof of this theory. It was aligned with the midwinter sunset and the midsummer sunset. ), while the bigger sarsen stones each weigh a whopping 22 tonnes – that’s as heavy as four African elephants! Any ritual use is now restricted. […] Stonehenge facts for kids: […]. These cookies do not store any personal information. There was a time when tourists and visitors were actually allowed to touch the stones with their hands. It took at least 30 million hours of labor to build and some say it took approximately 1500 years. What is Stonehenge? Largest ever Bronze Age wheel unearthed in Britain! It’s a shame they didn’t really have a wizard to help them – they could have done with the help…. The Stonehenge monument itself is managed by English Heritage and owned by the Crown. They also think that important funeral ceremonies would have been performed at the site – though why the dead were laid to rest there, no one knows…, While you wait for it to be checked and approved why not to add And the sun always sets over the Heel Stone on the shortest day of the year. But one thing is for sure – Stonehenge was used as a cemetery. The structure that we call \"Stonehenge\" was built between roughly 5,000 and 4,000 years ago and was one part of a larger sacred landscape that included a massive stone monument that was 15 times the size of Stone…
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