wrist joint

All of these bones participate in complex articulations that allow variable mobility of the hand. The triquetrohamate ligament proximally attaches to the distal edge of the triquetrum and distally to the dorsal edge of hamate. [Medline]. 1975 Jun. [1, 6, 7, 8, 9] In order to maintain mobility without sacrificing stability, the wrist joint has a complex configuration of ligaments, as shown in the following images. J Hand Surg Am. [1], The trapeziotrapezoid ligament is found at the ulnar edge of the trapezium and travels ulnarly the radial edge of the trapezoid. All material on this website is protected by copyright, Copyright © 1994-2020 by WebMD LLC. Green's Operative Hand Surgery. In particular, the ligamentous connection between the trapezoid and capitate to the index (second) and middle (third) finger metacarpals, respectively, are so rigid that the distal carpal row has been considered a component of a fixed hand unit that moves in response to musculotendinous forces generated from the forearm. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1984. Three types of relationships exist between the triquetrocapitate and triquetrohamate ligaments, as follows: Type A: The triquetrocapitate ligament is separate from the triquetrohamate ligament, Type B: The triquetrocapitate ligament overlaps the triquetrohamate ligament, Type C: The triquetrocapitate ligament has an additional ligament from the triquetrum to the proximal pole of the hamate, The intercarpal ligament overlaps the dorsal portion of the scapholunate interosseous ligament, with its origin being the distal and radial aspect of the dorsal tubercle of the triquetrum. @discographer-- There are actually many different injuries that can afflict the wrist joint and with different causes. The bones of the distal row are closely adherent to each other via intercarpal ligaments (see the images below). [1, 17], The lunotriquetral ligament attaches the lunate and triquetrum along the proximal joint surface. Middle wrist joint is formed by links between eight small carpal bones lying adjacent to each other in proximal (facing head of radius and Ulna) and distal rows (facing head of metacarpal bone). J Hand Surg Am. Extensor retinaculum prevents the herniation. What are Common Causes of Wrist Joint Pain? American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Thomas R Gest, PhD is a member of the following medical societies: American Association of Clinical AnatomistsDisclosure: Nothing to disclose. It is actually a collection of multiple bones and joints. It is found entirely within the trapeziotrapezoid joint, attaches to the volar side of the ulnar aspect of the trapezium, and travels ulnarly to the distal radial edge of the trapezoid. This article does not provide medical advice. 1999 Sep. 24(5):953-62. It inserts radially on the distal surface of the lunate as well as the volar segment of the scapholunate interosseous ligament without directly attaching to the scaphoid. [1], Like the trapeziotrapezoid interosseous ligament, the capitotrapezoid ligament is found within the joint space. [2]. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000. The wrist begins at the distal portion of the large, tapering ulna, the forearm bone on the side of the little finger, and the radius, the forearm bone nearer the thumb. Halaki M, O'Dwyer N, Cathers I, Heritier S. Systematic nonlinear relations between joint mechanics and the neural reflex response with changes in stretch amplitude at the wrist. The bones comprising the wrist include the distal ends of the radius and ulna, 8 carpal bones, and the proximal portions of the 5 metacarpal bones (see the images below). Palmer flexion is much stronger than palmer extension or dorsiflexion.Muscles involved in palmer flexion are –eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'epainassist_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',153,'0','0'])); Pronation and supination is the rotation movement that occurs at the proximal wrist joint between radius and ulna. [1], The lunotriquetral ligament originates from ulnar side of the lunate and attaches to the triquetrum distal to the attachment of the ulnolunate ligament and radial to the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament. [13] For this reason, it does not add any substantial mechanical support. [1], The capitohamate ligament passes from the center of the ulnar side of the capitate into the radial side of the hamate. Thomas R Gest, PhD Professor of Anatomy, University of Houston College of Medicine The ligaments of the wrist. 24(3):456-68. Adduction or Ulnar Deviation- Hand movement toward little finger. Three variations have been identified: (1) separate facets for articulation with the trapezoid and trapezium, with an interfacet ridge separating the facets; (2) separate trapezoid and trapezium facets with palpable interfacet ridge, not visually identifiable; and (3) smooth articular surface not visually identifiable. Or the joint may become misshaped and malfunction due to arthritis or gout. [Medline]. Brown RR, Fliszar E, Cotten A, Trudell D, Resnick D. Extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the wrist: normal and pathologic anatomy at MR arthrography with three-compartment enhancement. For example, the joint may become inflamed due to strain or repetitive movements. [Medline]. [1], The trapeziotrapezoid ligament attaches to the ulnar aspect of the trapezium and passes ulnarly to the radial edge of the trapezoid. The radiocarpal joint is a major synovial joint of the wrist and is an example of a condyloid joint. Wrist extension is also known as a dorsiflexion. 18(3):667-74. Proximal wrist joint compartment has 2 sets of joint. [Medline]. Extensor Retinaculum (back of the wrist joint). Characteristics of Hand and Wrist Joint Inflammation and its Causes. The 2 branches travel distally and diverge, forming a V shape. Although there are many bones in the wrist joint, ligaments and tendons are also important to its structure. This joint is mainly on the thumb side of your wrist. What are the Most Common Causes of a Sprained Wrist. Its insertion is located proximal to the insertion of the ulnolunate ligament. Short WH, Werner FW, Green JK, Masaoka S. Biomechanical evaluation of the ligamentous stabilizers of the scaphoid and lunate: Part II. [1], The capitotrapezoid ligament is attached to the ulnar edge of the trapezoid and passes ulnarly to the distal and radial aspect of the capitate.

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