Windows update could not be uninstalled because of error 214794287 "The parameter is incorrect." The same goes for the other components. We help IT Professionals succeed at work. WUSA.exe not working while installing update? This doesn't work with my log file, but is able to open an export file from Event Viewer. This site uses cookies to ensure the best browsing experience. If there is no Internet connection, the WUSA.exe will quickly realize that a connection to a Windows Update server cannot be established and will therefore start with the installation sooner. stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Very nice piece of detective work. Update packages have an .msu file name extension. Sorry, I thought I had responded to this before. In the end I used the following commands in a batch file: However, for some reason, this command did not work on all packages. In the end, I suspect the problem has to do with two things: As I said, I am not 100% sure what caused the delay in the process. i have come across the same error before (with a different KB number) however that was due to the wrong WUSA being called as there are 2 WUSA.exe's (X86 and AMD) the update required the syswow64 version to install however when calling WUSA the system32 WUSA was being called and erroring. In 2019, he became a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP). If online servicing is the same way, using DISM to install packages could prove troublesome. These are the steps: Do NOT use the file called $items += get-childitem $root | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -match ‘\(KB\d+\)’} © 2020 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. For offline image servicing I don’t think DISM performs any of the usual diligence surrounding prerequisite checking. Thanks a lot for your kind remark Damien! I plan to test some of this soon since I’m fighting with a 2012R2 installation and MDT as I write this…. CUSTOM TASK SEQUENCE TO UNINSTALL WINDOWS UPDATE CREATE A NEW CUSTOM TASK SEQUENCE Under Software Library / Operating System / Task Sequence, right-click and Create Task Sequence SCCM Uninstall Windows Update Select Create a new custom task sequence, click Next SCCM Uninstall Windows Update Name: Uninstall KB, click Next Do not select boot image as we don’t need it … wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart /log. Pete asked on 2012-10-09. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. expand -f:* "C:\%InstallFile%.msu" %TEMP%, dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:"" /quiet /norestart /logpath:"%LogFile%", expand -f:* "C:\Temp\%InstallFile%.msu" %TEMP%, expand -f:* "C:\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2896256-x64.msu" %TEMP%, SOLVED – Slow installation of MSU files using the WUSA.exe. Wise, Aged Ars Veteran Tribus: NYC. Active 4 years, 3 months ago. The installation of the individual installations took a REALLY long time. I am glad if the article was of some help to you. For example, an Internet Explorer language pack took up to 25 minutes to install, which under normal circumstances should only take 2 minutes or so. In the end I used the following commands in a batch file: Your error "214794287" is "80240017" is Hex, which according to the. The solution is to install the MSU files by using the command DISM.exe /Add-Package. In 2017, Dennis became a Citrix Technology Advocate (CTA). Then use the following command to install the software: First of all, as written in the aforementioned Microsoft article, the WUSA.exe ", Secondly, the SCCM installation runs under the local. In the Microsoft article mentioned in the previous paragraph a potential solution is presented. The .msu file name extension is associated with the Windows Update Standalone Installer. I managed to get it working and you are right about the 2 versions, this was causing the issue. Write-Host “$(Get-Date): Installation finished. Reference: Your email address will not be published. Since I was creating a new golden image for my XenDesktop 7.x workers and I was installing 8 language packs this took about 2 hours! Use the : wusa /uninstall /kb:[id] /quiet /promptrestart I was stuck for days trying to install the Convenience rollup for Windows 7 SP1. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have to admit that I am still not 100% sure why the problem arose, but the main cause is for sure related to how the process WUSA.exe works.
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